Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Ten Commandments of Curly

 * Properly taking care of curly hair can be a difficult and tedious task! Especially in the fall and winter months coming up. Because the air becomes so dry, it removes a lot of the moisture that those curls want so dearly hold onto. But there's no need to worry! Follow my Ten Commandments of Curly and you'll never have to see another morning like this...

1) Cut down on shampooing. Every time you wash your hair, you are stripping it of its natural oils, which are vital in keeping the hair strong from root to end. (Recommend 2-4times a week, instead of everyday)

2) Use a wide tooth comb, opposed to a brush or small tooth comb.

3) Stay away from any conditioning or styling products that contain alcohol, sulphate, or parabens. 

4) Let the hair air dry. Heated tools damage the curls and their natural pattern, leaving it dry and frizzy.

5) Sleep on a satin pillowcase instead of cotton. (better for the skin as well)

6) Deep condition the hair 1-2 times a week. My favorite home remedy is mixing coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. Leave the treatment on overnight and wash in the morning!

7) Style your hair when it's sopping wet, it prevents all that frizz.

8) Try getting a dry hair cut. This way, the curl is at its natural state and you'll know exactly how it looks dry. 

9) Leave it alone! Constantly, twisting and twirling your hair causes breakage and more frizz of coarse.

10) Eat healthy and take a multi vitamin. 

By Tori Fisher

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Waxing Safety 411

Waxing safety should be every clients' top priority when seeking out a waxing service at any facility.  Here is a quick guide to make sure that you are going to receive a a safe and clean service!

1) Be sure that you see your esthetician wash their hands or sanitize before coming anywhere near you-kind of a given, but don't be afraid to ask them if they washed their hands!  They post signs at doctors offices to do the same and you are about to get worked on-so speak up if you need to!

2) Are they wearing gloves?  Ideally, gloves should be worn 100% of the time, but in the very least- the aesthetician should be gloved when performing Bikini/Brazilian waxes, under arm waxing, or upper lip or nose waxing.  These areas are really susceptible to contracting germs and should be protected.

3) Are they using a new applicator every time they dip into the wax?  If not-THEY SHOULD BE!!!!!  It was a really common practice and way of thinking to use just one applicator stick for an entire service- but as new information and research has come out against this, it is an OUT OF DATE way of thinking!  DOUBLE DIPPING IS JUST WRONG- and against State Board regulation!  If your aesthetician is double dipping with the same applicator- ask them to stop, and if they don't-save yourself and find a new place to get your service done!  Let's not think about how many clients' germs could end up in the same pot of wax or how gross it would be- YIKES!

4) Your aesthetician should also go over some before and aftercare instructions with you on how to care for your freshly waxed skin.  There are a lot of common sense things that sometimes get overlooked and you want to make sure that you don't accidentally do something to cause a bad skin reaction.  9 times out of 10, if a client has an adverse reaction it is usually because they are using something that sensitizes their skin that they forgot to mention to their aesthetician or they are not following correct post treatment protocol.

To get the most out of your waxing experience, you should follow these steps:
1) Be clean-come freshly showered.
2) Be dry. Cleanliness is appreciated, but skip the lotion-less oily skin=better waxing results. 
3) Your hair should be about 1/4" long-about 3 weeks worth of hair growth.
4) Dress comfortably-wear loose clothing day of to prevent chafing or irritation.
5)Users of Retin-A, Renova, Accutane, and corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone, prednisone, Kenalog, and Elocon should not be using waxing as their hair removal method. Anti-biotic use can also cause major skin sensitivity or lifting!
6) Avoid tanning beds 3-5 days prior to waxing service
7) Avoid peels or any other kind of exfoliating 3-5 days prior to waxing.
8)If you are sensitive, use Ibuprofen, motrin, or topical numbing cream 1/2 hour prior to service.

We are always on hand if you have any other questions!