Thursday, February 21, 2013

Liquid Gold!

By now, you must have heard the phrase "BB Cream" at least a half a dozen times and have seen numerous ads about the miracle all-in-one lotion that fixes any skin condition.  Needless to say, you might ask- what do these beauty balms really do?

The truth is, all of the bb creams on the market are a little different.  Some claim their brand of bb cream can replace your serums, moisturizers, primer, foundation, and sunblock!  Boy, that would certainly save you a ton of money on cosmetics and room under the bathroom sink!  Prices range from around $11-40 for the various brands. Let's look a little more closely...

When you search bb creams, the top listed brands are Olay,, Maybelline, Garnier, L'Oreal, Clinique, and Smashbox.  The majority describe it as a tinted moisturizer with SPF that should be re-applied every 2 hours if you are out in the sun.  Some claim to have added benefits for dry skin types and other for oily skin types.  I had a really hard time finding any actual ingredient listings.  I wanted to find what was in the bottle.  What is the magical ingredient or ingredients that make bb cream the new "it" product?  The answer is CONVENIENCE.

I don't really think they are selling anything magical, but a couple of buzz words that make these products really appealing to low maintenance gals.  Not a bad idea in a world where the laundry, studying and grocery shopping all have to get done BEFORE work! 

The truth is, everyone's individual skin needs are so specific, there is no single cream that is going to be prefect for everyone across the board, it just impossible.  These creams are certainly better to use than nothing at all. I was happy that they all had SPF- even though it doesn't always say broad spectrum protection, or what kind of blocks are in the products. If you are going to spend your money to enhance your skin or to work on any issues you see, the best solution is to ask a licensed aesthetician for advice after a full skin analysis and consult.

If you are local looking for a consult, we offer a really great Skin Consult service at Gobare Aesthetic Studio.  When you come in, we cleanse and analyze your skin, test your sensitivity to products, discuss your concerns, develop a plan, do a peel patch test if applicable, AND send you home with a starter kit of products that last 3-5 weeks!  Its a great way to do supervised skin care to make sure you are really going in the right direction to reach optimum skin health and beauty!
Click here to book your Skin Consult appointment:

I hope you found this helpful!

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