Friday, March 1, 2013

Pickers Anonymous

Sometimes it's the silly little habits we have that can really sabotage our lives.  Sometimes, we don't even know that we are doing things like biting our nails, tugging on our brows and lashes, etc, until its too late!One minute you are sitting on the couch watching a movie and the next your are scratching and picking until the damage is done!  One thing I constantly see under my facial lamp is the aftermath of a major picking session of someone attacking their skin!  Little dots, scrapes, scabs, and inflamed red bumps that look really painful!  I have to admit, before I became an aesthetician I was a picker too!  I am still working on reversing the damage I caused my skin!

Why it's bad:
1) Touching your face with your bare hands can very easily transfer bacteria from your hands/nails to the already inflamed or problem area.

2) Pushing on a blemish the wrong way can actually push the bacteria in the blemish back under the skin causing the bacteria to spread making it worse, or EVEN WORSE another unwelcomed blemish to appear right next to it.

3) When the skin isn't heated properly, blemishes and the bacteria below are harder to extract and need excessive pressure and force to be removed which can lead to brusing and broken blood vessels that may or may not heal.

4) Scratching or straight picking can lead VERY EASILY to forming a small topical scar.  Any sun exposure to these picked areas will also make the scar a lot harder to treat and may be visible for years to follow.

5) It's nearly impossible to get the right angle to extract yourself properly so that you won't damage your skin.  For days following a picking session, you can be swollen, pink, and flaky.

What to do instead:
Once you realize that you are a picker-KNOCK IT OFF!  If you catch yourself doing it, stop immediately, wash your hands, and apply neosporin the area you picked at.  Leave it alone until it heals.  If is a blemish you are going after, book a facial!  There is no better way to actually clean your skin than to be properly extracted by someone who knows the right way to do it! The Gobare Get Clear Treatment is a great place to get a good clean out of any impurities making you pick!

If you already have scarring and have given  up picking for good, there is a way to treat any superficial scars that have been left behind.  A series of microdermabrasion treatments or peels may be a great option!  I recommend a Skin Consult to get a good skin analysis to determine the best course of action.


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